Fun Facts of Zambia

Home to Africa’s inland sea

Zambia is home to Lake Kariba, the largest artificially created reservoir in the world by volume. This large expanse of water is often referred to as “Africa’s Inland Sea”.

It covers an area of nearly 6,000 square kilometres and is fed by the mighty Zambezi River, which begins its 2700-kilometre journey in North-West Zambia and reaches the Indian Ocean through Mozambique. It was created by constructing the Kariba Dam on the Zambezi River, which is 1.300km from the Indian Ocean.

1. The Smoke that Thunders is located in Zambia

Also known as Victoria Falls. The original name for these falls is: Mosi-oa-tunya means the ‘Smoke that Thunders’ and, as you can imagine, Victoria Falls truly lives up to its name.

Victoria Falls is 108 metres in height. It’s almost double the height of Niagara Falls in Canada.

2. The country is named after a river

Zambia was named after the fourth biggest river in Africa. The Zambezi is the fourth longest river in Africa after the Nile, Congo, and Niger Rivers.

3. A skull of almost 300.000 years old was found here

In 1921, the Broken Hill skull was discovered in Zambia. Estimated to be about 299,000 years, the skull is one of the best-preserved fossils of an ancient human species called Homo heidelbergensis.

4. And it is a fast growing population since

Zambia has one of the world’s fastest-growing populations with the UN projecting that its population will triple by 2050 from 13 million in 2011.

5. Zambia protects 30% of its land

Zambia boasts 20 national parks and reserves, 34 Game Management Areas and protects over 30% of its land.

6. More than 70 languages are spoken here

It’s thought that Zambia has more than 70 languages, although many of them are considered dialects. Other than English, all of Zambia’s major languages are members of the Bantu family.

7. The country produces a lot of copper

Zambia is Africa’s second-largest copper producer after DR Congo and the world’s seventh-largest.

MY posts

Cycling 600km to create awareness for child marriages, that why we went to Zambia. It was a very special and magnificent trip. We saw and experienced so much of the country while cycling and of course we did safari’s.

Cycle 4 Plan Zambia

Cycle 4 Plan Zambia

Sometimes spontaneous hunches are the best. Or at least the most exciting. For example, we decided to attend an information evening of Cycle for Plan. Cycling more than 600 kilometers in a country we hadn't been to before, why not? Even if we only help a single child...

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Sometimes spontaneous hunches are the best. Or at least the most exciting. For example, we decided to attend an information evening of Cycle for Plan. Cycling more than 600 kilometers in a country we hadn't been to before, why not? Even if we only help a single child...

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Sometimes spontaneous hunches are the best. Or at least the most exciting. For example, we decided to attend an information evening of Cycle for Plan. Cycling more than 600 kilometers in a country we hadn't been to before, why not? Even if we only help a single child...

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