We have been in Kautokeino for several days and it is only getting better. The Easter celebrations have now started.This does not mean that there are unwise activities all day long. In fact, the opposite. During the day there is very little to do in Kautokeino. People sleep late. The Easter parties are actually mainly nightly activities. The young and old go on until the very early hours. For example, just at half past 11 in the morning, we received an app from our host Jonny that he was now going to bed. And that while we already came home at 3:30 in the morning from a nice night in Alfreds Kro.

We are not those night people. We enjoy a beer in the pub, some live music and in the evening relax on the couch. Preferably with a bowl of chips and a cup of tea. Quite civil yes. That bourgeois here means good food together, a pre-drink and then to the pub at noon to drink it all down and get out of bed at 2 pm the next day. We, on the other hand, are often awake at 8 am.
So this morning I was awake again at 7 o’clock. And that’s pretty tough after a night out with the Sami. Back to those Easter parties because it is not that it is only at night. There are a number of activities during the day. There are exhibitions that you can admire. Of these, we have seen one that did not exceed our expectations. There is a photo exhibition of a Japanese who lived here for 8 years. Beautiful pictures of a time when the Sami migrated really traditionally. Now some put their reindeer in a truck, drive them to the coast and let the reindeer graze there again. That is the really luxurious version that I have only heard once. There was also an ‘ice fishing competition’ where families took to the ice to catch the largest fish. The person with the largest fish wins 30,000kr, which is about 300 Euro. Quite a good price for a fish. What you can also win with a 50 euro ticket is a hybrid car, a snowmobile or money. Many people who participate mainly go for those prizes and just sit in the sun and have a BBQ on the ice.

Then there was the snowmobile cross, which was perhaps the biggest event. A lot of people were out and there were leagues from the age of 4. Unfortunately, as often with crosses, there were some crashes here too. Including one where an ambulance helicopter had to come. In itself, this is somewhat more normal here than in the Netherlands, given the distance from a good hospital. This time he was taken to Tromsø. So that was the end of the snowmobile cross, which was eventually won by the Flying Fin.

The reindeer races have unfortunately been canceled. The reason for this depends on the person you are speaking to. According to one, it is because it is warm early and reindeer grow new antlers. The first moments the antlers are only made of blood and skin. The reindeer are a bit shy and that doesn’t work for racing. Another reason is that there is not enough snow. And yet another reason is that the reindeer are already migrating to the coast. Enough reasons not to let it go ahead. A disappointment to us. And instead of reindeer racing is… nothing. Time to immerse ourselves in the nightlife of Kautokeino.

So we went to a number of concerts such as the traditional Yoik concert and the opening concert which was also Yoik. We’ve even heard Rock & Yoik and Reggae Yoik. Fantastic, I am a fan. Yoik is often without words and therefore easy to sing along. Tonight, Saturday, is the Grand Prix (the song contest of the Sami) followed by some concerts. That nightlife here is really fantastic. At least, during the Easter celebrations. The sports hall has been transformed into a concert hall and the DJ comes after the concerts. Sometimes this starts with two girls in traditional clothes (Kakte). And everyone is dressed in traditional clothing. From young to old, it doesn’t matter. They all wear it with pride. You can see where someone comes from by the ponpon on the shoes, You can see if someone is married or single on the belt (square buttons = married, round = single) and the stripes on the sleeves tell you which family someone belongs to. The parties end around 3am, after which everyone goes home to drink more.